
Friday, October 20, 2017

Out today: GOD MOTHER - Vilseledd

God Mother's sophomore album Vilseledd is out today on Party Smasher Inc.

Listen, here:

Buy, here:

"After 20 years of touring the world and playing thousands of shows with thousands of bands, it is hard to impress me. But Sweden has done it again. God Mother is an undeniable 'force majeure' that demands attention like bands did in the old days, by just being that fucking good. Torch, officially passed!"
–Ben Weinman of The Dillinger Escape Plan

"They toggle between bone-crushing barnstormers and slow-churned stoner metal with remarkable technical proficiency. That Ben Weinman, Dillinger Escape Plan’s soon-to-be-former guitarist, signed them to his Party Smasher Inc. label is fitting considering the two groups’ mutual, attention-challenged mindsets... The quartet are miles ahead of their peers..."

"Party Smasher Inc. has set its sights on a new Swedish heavy metal band, God Mother... When God Mother opened for The Dillinger Escape Plan in February, [guitarist Ben] Weinman was so thoroughly impressed with their sound and commitment that he declared 'Torch officially passed!'"
–Psychology Today

"Listen to Dillinger Escape Plan-approved spazzcore group God Mother."

"God Mother, the Swedish powerhouse signed to Party Smasher Inc, escape easy classification. Their blend of sludge, hardcore, punk and grindcore is blistering."

"A pummeling rapture of audio violence."

"We've been endorsing Sweden's God Mother as far back as 2015, with their abrasive but crafty sounds that tie the metal and hardcore worlds together in a refreshing way."
–Metal Injection

"An utterly relentless burst of skittish Swedish metal... God Mother have basically taken spazzy, Melvinsy, HM-2-y mathcore to Pluto."
–Gear Gods

"Vilseledd is one crucial piece of chaotic, noisy hardcore... One of the best loud rock albums of the year."
–New Noise

"A focused blitzkrieg of hardcore, crust, and noise rock, with dizzying tempo shifts that create an almost nervous tension to the listening experience."
–No Echo

"A brutal version of hardcore, tempered with flavors of grind, death metal and sludge... A thoroughly entertaining blast of noise that tosses the listener around in its wake."
–Echoes and Dust

"Sweden has produced many of metal’s outstanding acts over the years and this tradition continues with God Mother. The band’s combination of grind, sludge and hardcore defies easy one word genre classification and is as much at home during spastic flurries of angular dissonance as it is with noisy experimentation."
–Nine Circles

"A violent collision between elements of mathcore, grind and hardcore, resulting in a truly spastic and battering brand of metallic madness."

"Stoutly produced and impeccably executed, it’s a coiled mass of venomous snakes, writhing and lashing out; it’s a bomb caught in the split-second of explosion; it’s nerve-tearing destruction in twenty-nine minutes. If noisy, gnarly, tar-caked hardcore is to your taste, then God Mother delivers in spades."
–Last Rites

Further info:

Photo by Stephen Odom

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