
Monday, October 16, 2017

MONOTROPE + Culture Creature

"Instrumental rock innovators Monotrope... The complex beginning of ‘XLIII’ invites the listener to listen closely; later in the song, Monotrope charges head-on into passages that simply rock. It’s a composition that brings an arresting sense of dissonance to an ambitious pattern of overlapping rhythms." 
–Culture Creature

"An excellent instrumental rock/metal outfit... Music for people raised on Shellac, Don Caballero, and Unwound."
–No Echo

Monotrope have revealed "XLIII," the opening track off upcoming debut album Unifying Receiver. 

Listen, here, and read an interview with the band:

Unifying Receiver will be released November 10th on New Atlantis Records and Sleeping Giant Glossolalia.

A brand new collaboration, Monotrope exists in a realm of instrumental rock that is progressive in its musicality but punk at its core. In a space between the twists and turns of Don Caballero, and the raw, heartbreaking power of Slint or Rodan, Monotrope's compositions drive forward, equal parts complexity and grit. Guitars intertwine in dissonant, polyrhythmic webs, while the rhythm section forges ahead on a straighter, unrelenting path. Abstract and intricate when viewed closely, Unifying Receiver rocks hard from the bird's eye view; its six songs are emotive, guitar-driven tales of struggle and catharsis, travel and arrival, tension and release.

Tracked in a DIY fashion at four locations across the nation, and mixed by Tim Green (Melvins, Sleater-Kinney), the recording is as live and natural as can be – straight from the creators' hands to your ears – yet the sound is rich and full, and a joy to get lost in. The album was mastered by Carl Saff (Unsane, Big Business).

A truly bicoastal bunch, the Monotrope members are spread wide across the USA, representing California, Texas, Ohio, and Maryland. Guitarist Edward Ricart, known from bands such as Hyrrokkin and Matta Gawa, is owner of New Atlantis Records, the label handling the Unifying Receiver release, whose catalog boasts an awesome range of acts from the experimental fringes of jazz, rock, and noise. Bassist Matthew Taylor is a member of Bellini, alongside Girls Against Boys drummer Alexis Fleisig, and worked for years as art director for Touch & Go Records, designing iconic album layouts for the label's revered roster of bands.

Ricart and Taylor are flanked by guitarist Dan Wilson (ex-Hurl) and drummer Joe Barker (Unraze)Between the four of them, these men have collaborated in one way or another with a phonebook's worth of eminent musicians: from avant icons like Glenn Branca and Merzbowto members of hardcore and indie-rock royalty like Black Flag, Fugazi, Brainiac, and Tortoise. 

On Unifying Receiver these vets channel their vast experience into a sound which reflects their next-level musicianship and love for the avant, but which, above all else, bursts with feeling and takes us on a ride. Without words, this album says a lot. 

Monotrope, live:
Nov 2 - Pittsburgh, PA @ Gooski's
Nov 3 - Brooklyn, NY @ Park Church Co-op

Photo by Jay Divinigracia

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