
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

ADAM GNADE + New Noise

“These seven or so minutes from my novel This is the End of Something But It’s Not the End of You were everything I wanted to say to the world when I was writing the book. I say 'novel,' but as you can see from this excerpt, it’s more of a speech or maybe a letter from me to everyone on the planet."
- Adam Gnade

Listen to this excerpt from Gnade's latest novel, This is the End of Something But It's Not the End of You, read by Adam and with an accompanying video, via New Noise Magazine:

"A good story lets us sleep while keeping us awake; lets us breathe while spitting water. This Is the End... wants our sleepy, wakeful eyes, wants our water-filled lungs to bathe in harsh light; to fight and fuck and run with the wolves."

 —Alexis S.F. Marshall (Daughters, author of A Sea Above the Pains of Our Youth)

"Freewheeling and wild, tender and warm, funny and a little bit sad, and altogether something you won’t soon forget."

—Juliet Escoria, author of Juliet the Maniac

"Adam Gnade has written an endearing and honest coming-of-age story about love and death and the weight of existence."

—Rios de la Luz, author of Itzá and The Pulse Between Dimensions and the Desert

"Layered like a pile of old sweaters with dreamlike cadences, could-be-my-own internal monologues, the backroads and byways of America, freaks, weirdos, heartbreak, renewal, rebirth, the ashes of glory, hopelessness, and alienation in equal measure." 

—Julia Eff, author of Don't Piss Down My Back & Tell Me It's Raining

Adam Gnade's third novel is held up by a Springsteenian sense of hope and a desire for redemption, of finding glory and escape, friendship and love in hard times. Like Dickens' David Copperfield, Ferrante's Neapolitan tetralogy, and Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle series, this is the story of a human life, kindergarten to adulthood, ratty beach apartment to bohemian party house, feverish basement to ramshackle farmhouse. Through the eyes of Gnade's protagonist, James Jackson Bozic, we see how life scars you, changes you as you fight to find a safe place for yourself. It is, in turn, a murder mystery, a love story, and a vast, sweeping, panoramic look at America on the edge of collapse. It's a story of displacement, strange shores, new mornings. As James says in the book, "I thought of how sometimes in the midst of survival, life will jerk you away from your home, how it will push you out across the map, away from the people you love, or into the path of others." This Is the End... is about scratching and clawing for a better, safer, more satisfying life, even as the sky comes crashing down.

Video created by Elizabeth Thompson, and features an excerpt from the 255 page paperback, This Is The End of Something, But It’s Not The End of You, released February 14th, 2020 by Three One G Records/Pioneers Press. Order a copy, here.

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